What to See

When in San Giovanni Rotondo, it is worth to see:

The body of Father Pio

The body of Father Pio was put on display on April 24, 2008. It will be possible for pilgrims to see it until the end of September 2009.

The Crucifix from which Father Pio received the Stigmata

The Crucifix from which Father Pio received the Stigmata on Friday, September 20, 1918 is located in the choir loft of the small original church.

Gli Eventi a San Giovanni RotondoThe Church of Our Lady of Grace

It is the place where Father Pio celebrated his last Mass on September 22, 1968. That was the day of his death.

The Way of the Cross

It was built thank to the Capuchins to the memory of Father Pio. The works began in 1968 and ended in 1971.

The New Church Dedicated to Father Pio

The erection of the church was ordered by the Vatican. It was designed by Renzo Piano.

The Interior of the New Church Dedicated to Father Pio

The Friars enriched the interior of the church with several works by contemporary artists. These are the altar, the crucifix, and the magnificent mosaic.

cripta-oro2Father Pio’s car

Father Pio travelled using this car when he was very ill. One of his spiritual sons served as his driver. Nowadays, you can see the car in the museum.

The Home for the Relief of Suffering

According to Father Pio’s will, the hospital was built to treat the poorest. It was opened on May 5, 1956 in the presence of Cardinal Lercaro.

Father Pio’s Tomb

The tomb is contained in a large block of granite, weighing 30 tons. It is in the crypt underneath the main Church.

Orari e Celebrazioni Santuario

Orari e Celebrazioni Santuario